The new frontlines: how grocery store cashiers are dealing with COVID-19
SELENA ROMERO – Everyone has their own grocery store routine: some only pick up the necessities, some are drawn to the sale signs and some like to weave through every aisle. The one thing everyone has in common when they grocery shop is the search for the shortest line atContinue Reading
The Joshua Tree: A Fallen Tree. A Music Album. A Passion Project.
VICKY QIAO – On the west edge of Death Valley National Park, a lone, fallen Joshua tree lies amid the Mojave Desert. For U2 fans around the world, the Joshua Tree is a cherished symbol of the band’s musical legacy. Edward Platero, for one, is on a special mission toContinue Reading
Modified learning: The impact of online classes on three university students’ daily lives.
EVA ZHU – Last month, millions of students frantically packed to go home as universities made the abrupt decision to move courses online to curb the spread of COVID-19. On March 11th, the World Health Organization labelled COVID-19 a pandemic. The next day, universities across Canada began cancelling in-person classes.Continue Reading
Getting smaller to get bigger, local candle company plans to light up the world
SELENA ROMERO – Danna Rowan turned her hobby into a business – and now that business is about to get even bigger. Rowan was a successful freelance web designer when she began to feel the effects of staring at a computer screen all day. Out of curiosity, she decided toContinue Reading
Overworked hero: The impact of COVID-19 on one grocery store cashier
EVA ZHU – Joan Espidido feels strange being called a hero; she doesn’t think she deserves the title. But as an essential service employee, her life is on the line. Espidido, 23, has been working as a cashier at a Real Canadian Superstore in Vancouver for a little over fourContinue Reading
Exploring the World One Solo Trip at a Time
VICKY QIAO – Motorbiking through a twisting mountain pass in Vietnam, exploring the Nepali mountains and immersing herself with locals; Angela He is a true adventurer when it comes to travelling. Completing a double degree in Ivey and MIT at Western, He is fascinated by cross-cultural experiences and spends herContinue Reading
MIRA WILLIAMSON – Samantha Humphrey may call herself “very boring.” Don’t believe her. Most post-secondary students worry about midterms and assignments. In the fall of 2018, she worried about shelter. “It’s hard to put it into words what it’s like,” said Humphrey. “It’s not something you ever plan on. It’sContinue Reading
Swipe Culture: Examining the Tinder Trend
ADRIANA VICIC – “Which Ashley should I super-like?” asked 22-year-old Scott Relay* as he swiped through photos of girls in bikinis. “She’s kind of cute; I’m not sure about this one though.” Relay, A St. Thomas, Ont. native, is one of the 50 million people swiping on Tinder, arguably the world’sContinue Reading
COVID-19: managing an at-home juggling act
MIRA WILLIAMSON – No one came to Karin Fuller’s last public consultation in Vancouver. Four weeks ago, the COVID-19 alarm bells really started ringing in Canada. It was the Open Government team’s first week of consultations. It was also the last. The nation-wide tour to consult with Canadians about whetherContinue Reading
Struggling to self-isolate? Introverts don’t have it easier
JADE PREVOST-MANUEL – If Londoners weren’t confined to their homes right now, odds are they’d be staring gape-mouthed at the deserted malls and caution-tape-wrapped playgrounds—scenes of the city’s COVID-19 closures. Since London announced a state of emergency on March 20, more and more businesses are closing their doors as theContinue Reading