Angela He and friends posing on a car while traveling

VICKY QIAO – Motorbiking through a twisting mountain pass in Vietnam, exploring the Nepali mountains and immersing herself with locals; Angela He is a true adventurer when it comes to travelling. Completing a double degree in Ivey and MIT at Western, He is fascinated by cross-cultural experiences and spends herContinue Reading

YOU Logo, YOU London logo- source: YOU London Twitter

MIRA WILLIAMSON – Samantha Humphrey may call herself “very boring.” Don’t believe her. Most post-secondary students worry about midterms and assignments. In the fall of 2018, she worried about shelter. “It’s hard to put it into words what it’s like,” said Humphrey. “It’s not something you ever plan on. It’sContinue Reading

Image of Tinder on the screen of a smart phone

ADRIANA VICIC – “Which Ashley should I super-like?” asked 22-year-old Scott Relay* as he swiped through photos of girls in bikinis.  “She’s kind of cute; I’m not sure about this one though.” Relay, A St. Thomas, Ont. native, is one of the 50 million people swiping on Tinder, arguably the world’sContinue Reading

Karin Fuller set up a work space in her bedroom. She’s regularly joined by her dogs, Libby and Freya.

MIRA WILLIAMSON – No one came to Karin Fuller’s last public consultation in Vancouver. Four weeks ago, the COVID-19 alarm bells really started ringing in Canada. It was the Open Government team’s first week of consultations. It was also the last. The nation-wide tour to consult with Canadians about whetherContinue Reading

Otomancek, his partner Sydney Mensen and their 14-year-old chihuahua, Rico. Both Otomancek and Mensen have been working from home since the widespread Ontario closures were announced. (Submitted by Bojan Otomancek)

JADE PREVOST-MANUEL – If Londoners weren’t confined to their homes right now, odds are they’d be staring gape-mouthed at the deserted malls and caution-tape-wrapped playgrounds—scenes of the city’s COVID-19 closures. Since London announced a state of emergency on March 20, more and more businesses are closing their doors as theContinue Reading