Cristina Pietrantonio, Western Journalism Studio
Feb 4, 2022
Signs posted at one of Western University’s affiliated colleges Friday contained instructions that conflict with the school’s COVID-19 masking requirements, creating confusion for staff and students.

The signs at Brescia University College, which request students wear “non-medical face mask[s]” contradict with the messaging on campus stating people must wear three-layer, medical grade masks.
“I am very confused because the masks that we are provided to wear, like the triple layer face masks, are ones that look like they belong in a hospital,” said Jordan Dobben, who works at Clare Hall’s front desk.
“It doesn’t make much sense to me,” said Clare Hall resident Rosa Ramirez. “Especially because it’s an eating area — that’s where our food is. I don’t see why it should be less protected.”
Ramirez said Brescia has required medical masks on campus since the beginning of the fall term.
“We were actually told not to wear cloth masks or any other masks,” she said. “For people that don’t live here [on campus] and don’t know the rules, it could be confusing,” she said. “I think they just need to keep it consistent.”
Indeed, the school’s website states: “All staff, faculty, students and visitors to campus are required to wear a three layer medical grade masks.”
Dobben said she thinks the signs might be leftover from the 2020-2021 school year.
“I’m assuming they copied the language used from the government from another point in time,” she said.